Saturday, June 25, 2011

. . . the little things

It's easy to forget how good it feels just to walk in the park on a sunny day, to get a card from an old friend or have a great conversation with your grandmother over tea. As we grow older and we witness loved ones suffer illnesses or pass away, its hard not to realize just being able to go out for a picnic or enjoy your favorite food can be a luxury for one who can not.  We won't always be able to do those little things we take for granted. So enjoy those little things ~ because when we can't do them any longer ~ they'll seem much bigger.

Friday, June 24, 2011


By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest ~ Confucius I have been in a reflective mood lately. Really thinking about what values are most important to me and how to live my life according to those values and principles. This quote from Confucius, reminded me of the bitter taste left from those experiences in which I did not live by my principles.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Create a life YOU love!

I think its easy to look at other peoples lives and think "how lucky they are, I wish I was doing that, or had that job, etc... " But the reality is, we can do all those things we see other people doing. It is just a matter of finding ways to add more FUN to your life. Go on a little adventure. Teach yourself to do something new. Spoil yourself with exotic fruit, camp out in your backyard, sail off into the sunset ~ make your life worth LOVING!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't let THAT stop you!

We are constantly presented with obstacles in life. Road blocks that seem to show up out of nowhere hindering our progress or sometimes stopping us in our tracks. Just remember that its only a test, part of the grand scheme and meant to teach us something greater. So don't let it stop you, find away around or bust right through!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

~ a voice within ~

Often I find myself listening to a voice whispering inside my head, that says things like "you can't do that" or "you are going to make a fool of yourself." Time and time again I have to remind myself that is just the voice of fear and the only way to silence that fear to is proceed against it's caution and prove it wrong.

So the next time you hear that voice, telling you you can't paint, or you can't sing, or you can't write that novel you've been dreaming about. Just take another step towards achieving that illusive goal and soon enough, you'll realize you could!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Listen to your heart

Nobody else really knows what is best for you. Other's can have the best intentions with their advice or council, but when it comes right down to it ~ we have to live with our own choices and decisions, so we really need to make them for ourselves. And a decision that is right for us will not necessarily be right for anyone else.